swich swich just dance

If you feel the need to shake what you mamma gave ya, look no further than a bit of Swich Swich just dance. Fire up your game console of choice turn up the music loud and get moving. Catch a sneak peek below.

If you’re wondering why Swich Swich, no it’s not a typo, on the Just Dance Brazil website the song is listed as “Swich Swich” fun fact for you all.

song by American singer Katy Perry which features American rapper Nicki Minaj. The song was for Katy Perry’s fifth studio album, Witness. The song is about fighting against bullies, “Swish Swish” uses basketball metaphors, talking about overcoming hateful people and fighting on. 

Go grab the song and set it to repeat as you practice your dance moves BUY SONG

Swich Swich just Dance Avatars

During the game play you get to choose between 4 different characters, as with all the multi player characters each one have their own unique gold moves for you to master.  We all end up having our favourite charact what will yours be?


If you dont have the game already, what are you waiting for, head over to amazon and add it to your just dance collection…..I know you have one.

If you dont have the game already, what are you waiting for, head over to amazon and add it to your just dance collection…..I know you have one.

Just dance 2018 featuring swich swich is available on 


Xbox 360
